
Remote Device Management module

This RDM tool allows you to connect and control your devices.

Birthdays and anniversaries module

This tool offers the option of adding birthdays and/or anniversaries dates to the system. These are linked to the Birthdays template.

Presence module

This tool shows the presence of your employees. The tool can be used on touchscreens or normal screens.

Calamity module

Register calamities and display insights about these calamities on your screen.

Custom actions

The Custom Action module allows publishing templates or playlists directly on screens. This can be done with our boards or via webhooks. Show a video, template or playlist on one or more screens with e few simple steps.

Planning module

Manage the planning of employees and display this planning on your screen.

Welcome module

This tool allows you to add welcome messages, which are dynamically displayed according to the appointment start time.

Education module

Manage connections to retrieve timetable information.

SolarEdge module

This tool provides a dashboard of your SolarEdge statistics. Graphs, tables and figures.

Microsoft module

Connect to Power BI and integrate created reports and dashboards inside a template. You can also connect to Outlook to integrate mailboxes and meeting room calendars.

Google module

Connect with google calendar account to view appointments in templates
of koppel hier je Google Analytics account

Menu board module

Add categories, manage products and display them on your digital menu board.

Realestate module

Manage API connections to present objects in templates.

Queue management module

Manage connections with queue management systems.

Poll management module

Manage polls with associated questions and answers.